Matchmaker & Dating Coach
The Interview
Have the Soul but not the Mate?
I take a ground-breaking approach to Matchmaking by providing a personalised interview experience in which I get to know each individual, ensuring I am in the best position to set them up successfully.
The 2-hour interview is an original and engaging session backed by 40+ years as a Matchmaker and Dating Coach and is perfect for beginners and seasoned daters alike.
Join me on a journey of self-discovery and together, we will explore and define your
'5 deal-breakers,' the core values and attributes you desire in a partner. My expertise and experience will stand you in good stead as we work together to find your soul mate.

Gain clarity and confidence by exploring and discovering the vital qualities you seek in a spouse and equip yourself with the necessary tools for making the most important decision of your life!
Gain exposure to an international database of 300+ singles, each personally interviewed.
Discover your 5 Deal Breakers. Your personal guide to refer to throughout the dating process and when assessing potential candidates.
I offer personal coaching, guiding and support throughout the entire dating process